GTA Announcements & Press Releases
This May, the Gas Turbine Association (GTA) visited Washington, D.C. to advocate for the gas turbine industry before lawmakers. In the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill, Congress allocated $35 million for advanced turbine research and development. The GTA was pleased to see that Congress understood the importance of advancements in the gas turbine sector to ensure a reliable grid and to reduce emissions.
"As a representative of the Gas Turbine Association, I had the esteemed pleasure of engaging with Congressman Paul Tonko and dedicated staff of the House and Senate in Washington DC. Our concerted mission was to advocate for the FECM Advanced Turbine program's funding in the FY25 budget. It was particularly enriching to discuss the role of Research and Development funds in driving innovative gas turbine projects, crucial for improving efficiency and advancing the adoption of clean fuel technologies," Aaron Villarreal, GE Vernova.
For FY25, the GTA asked Congress to fully fund the advanced turbine research program at $50 million as authorized by the 2020 Energy Policy Act. The GTA looks forward to continuing their work with lawmakers and staff as the FY25 appropriations process progresses.
On March 6, 2023, the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) announced $4.6 million in funding for Pennsylvania State University to research ways to improve turbine performance and efficiency. The initiative will utilize Penn State’s Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) infrastructure and National Experimental Turbine testing platform.
“Our START team is honored to be supported by the Department of Energy and excited to do research that will have direct impacts on the gas turbine industry through our strong partnerships,” said Karen Thole, University Distinguished Professor Director, START.
GTA congratulates Penn State and looks forward to highlighting more achievements from member organizations. To view the FECM announcement, click here.
Hydra Service, Inc., a leading name in Dynapower and Linde parts repair as well as manufacturing, is becoming the newest member of The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) in 2022.
Sal DellaVilla, Managing Director of GTA stated, “The gas turbine industry is facing many challenges as the US moves towards carbon neutrality. As an industry we know that our technology is as important as ever to ensure reliable, affordable, and flexible energy to meet a growing demand. GTA works to support this with our industry partners, like Hydra Service, to ensure that all aspects of the gas turbine market have a voice in shaping our energy future. We look forward to Hydra Service’s participation and leadership.”
For over 30 years, quality is what has set Hydra Service apart – quality parts, quality repairs, and quality service. For hydrostatic test pump service as well as hydraulic cylinder repair, the Dynapower and Linde hydraulic professionals from Hydra Service are known for the finest hydraulic cylinder repairs, hydrostatic testing, and custom hydraulic parts manufacturing. The GTA welcomes companies such as Hydra Service and values their important collaboration with our members.
Matthew Webber, President of Hydra Service, said: “The team at Hydra Service is excited to join a group that focuses on such a critical mission. We expect to learn and contribute to GTA’s ongoing mission and look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of us as companies and an industry.”
GTA - New Members Announcement - Hydra Service (September 2022).pdf
The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) is pleased to announce that Reuter-Stokes, a Baker Hughes business, that specializes in the design and manufacturing of mission-critical measuring devices for Gas Turbines will be a member of GTA beginning in 2022.
“Reuter-Stokes is pleased to have this opportunity to work with professionals in the Gas Turbine industry. We are excited to have a seat at the table and collaborate with this group,” says Chris Labedz, Senior Product Manager at Reuter-Stokes. “We pride ourselves on decades of quality sensors to serve harsh environment, mission critical applications.”
Reuter-Stokes flame sensors are vital to safe, efficient and profitable gas turbine operations by identifying flame-out conditions and trigger automatic fuel shut-off. Innovative flame detection plays a major role in the gas turbine sector, an industry that produces more than one-third of U.S electricity and powers a substantial portion of pipeline infrastructure.
GTA - New Members Announcement - Reuter-Stokes (January 2022).pdf
The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) is pleased to announce that the University of Connecticut (UCONN) is joining the membership. As we look toward the future and the Energy transition that is already taking place, it is important that the GTA has strong voices from University partners to understand the needs and focus of the future generation of Energy Leaders.
“Gas turbines are expected to remain a dominant means of electrical power production and aircraft propulsion in the foreseeable future. UCONN Engineering has strong ties to gas turbine industry and is involved in research and education in areas relevant to gas turbine technologies,” Chih-Jen (Jackie) Sung, PhD, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Professor in Sustainable Energy, University of Connecticut, is quoted as saying. “Our research involves both experimental and computational studies in combustion, heat transfer, and high temperature materials and coatings, as well as systems engineering for GT systems. Our graduates are highly sought out by GT OEMs and affiliated industries. Given the importance of mitigating climate change while still meeting the world's energy demands, we applaud and support GTA’s mission in promoting clean, efficient, and sustainable gas turbine technologies and the synergies with renewable energy systems.”
GTA Welcomes UCONN as new Members - (November 2021).pdf
Sal DellaVilla, Managing Director of the Gas Turbine Association (GTA) was recently interviewed by Scott Carlberg as part of his blog post for the Energy Consumers of the Carolinas website.
Natural gas-fired plants have been a go-to electric generation source as coal retires. Natgas reduces greenhouse gas emissions by over 50% as coal to gas switching in the US has become a generating reality. But carbon, in the form of CO2 remains an issue. And for gas turbines, one real opportunity to drive down CO2, in addition to Carbon Capture Utilization & Sequestration (CCUS), is the potential of hydrogen as a zero-carbon fuel.
By mixing hydrogen with natural gas (at some level) to run electricity-producing turbines, the opportunity begins.
Click on the link below to read the complete article.
The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) is pleased to announce that the University of Central Florida (UCF) has recently joined the group as an Affiliate Member. Dr. Jay Kapat, professor at the UCF Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the director of the Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research (CATER), will be working closely with the GTA membership to provide an additional university perspective of the importance of Gas Turbines in the US.
“This is an unprecedented time when we are on the cusp of a number of transformational changes in the energy sections and power generation in particular,” says Kapat. “For someone in academics, this is an exciting time, because of all the possibilities. It is very important to be a part of the discussion that helps shape that future, potentially contribute to it, and prepare the next generation of engineers. I am excited to be part of this group, to work with very knowledgeable colleagues, to learn from them and contribute to our future.”
PRESS RELEASE - Enhancing the Footprint and Knowledge Base within GTA through New University Partnerships (July 2021) RevA(1).pdf
The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) is pleased to announce two new member partnerships for 2021. Both Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and Camfil Power Systems have joined the GTA in March 2021. “GTA is extremely pleased to have Pennsylvania State University and Camfil Power Systems become Affiliate and Associate members respectively,” Sal DellaVilla, Managing Director of GTA noted. “I look forward to their strong participation and leadership as GTA works to ensure that gas turbine technology and systems plays a significant role in providing carbon neutral energy solutions.”
GTA - New Members Announcement - Penn State and Camfil Power Systems (3-30-2021).pdf
The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) would like to thank Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY), Congressman
David McKinley(R-WV), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), Senator Richard Burr
(R-NC), and Senator Joe Manchin(D-WV) for the time and effort that they and their staff contributed to
advancing the Energy Act of 2020. This bill includes important legislation that will enable research,
development, and technology advances to improve the efficiency of gas turbines in power generation.
These efforts are essential to ensuring that gas turbines continue to play an important role in the
generation mix supporting the US with sustainable, clean, efficient, and reliable power.
“GTA appreciates the significant efforts made by the legislators above who recognize the importance
that gas turbines make and will continue to contribute towards achieving lower emissions and reducing
the carbon footprint. We truly believe that gas turbine technology is integral in realizing
decarbonization of our nation’s power generation portfolio, we look forward to continuing to support
these efforts,” quotes GTA Chairman, Jonathan Li.
Energy Act of 2020 (December 29, 2020).pdf
The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) recently responded to the DOE's RFI on Hydrogen Technologies. "GTA believes gas turbines will continue to play an integral role in our nation’s energy infrastructure today and in the future, and that they are an essential vehicle for reducing greenhouse gas emissions as the US transitions towards a decarbonized future. In particular, fuel flexible gas turbine engines with the capability to burn green hydrogen, generated from renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind, would provide proven and reliable electrical power to businesses, homes, and electrical vehicles without adversely impacting the climate. As the electrical energy infrastructure becomes more distributed via the usage of solar panels and wind farms and as electricity demand increases due to the proliferation of electrical vehicles, the excess energy from these sources may be stored as hydrogen, and then burned, as needed, by fuel-flexible gas turbine engines. Investments in gas turbine technologies that substantially enhance energy conversion efficiency, relative to today’s state-of-the-art technology, and as recommended in a consensus study report published in January 2020 by the National Research Council, are critical to a future state and national green energy infrastructure."
Read the Full Letter using the Link Below.
Gas Turbine Association (GTA) Response to RFI DE-FOA-0002369 Hydrogen Technologies (August 19, 2020).pdf
"Control the waves of change or be overtaken by them. We need to heed this message. Climate change is real. Addressing this major global challenge means embracing the best mix of energy technologies. Gas-turbine technology, now and in our future, is a major part of the "Clean Energy Solution."
Sal DellaVilla, Managing Director of the Gas Turbine Association provides commentary in the recently published Combined Cycle Journal - Number 62.
Future Shock - Where are we, where are we heading (Article January 2020).pdf
December 9, 2019
Sal DellaVilla, Managing Director of the GTA (effective 1 January 2020) was recently profiled in a blog post on the website of the Energy Consumers of the Carolinas.
Press Release October 11, 2019
Energy Industry Executive Appointed as Managing Director of Gas Turbine Association (October 2019).pdf
September 25, 2019
Guy DeLeonardo GM, GE Gas Power Systems & Gas Turbine Association Chairman quoted in recent Turbomachinery International article;
“Technology investment in gas turbomachinery is key to a lower carbon future,”… “An increase of one percentage point in CCPPs in the U.S. is the equivalent in CO2 emissions reduction of taking 2 million cars off the road. In the U.S., three out of four kWh come from fossil fuels and nuclear. Natural gas offers the lowest cost per kW of any generation source.”
March 15, 2016
Press Release November 21, 2013
Industry Articles
Turbine inlet cooling: First step on the pathway to net zero emissions
Adding TIC to a combined cycle will eliminate the need to boost output with an aero peaker and its less-friendly emissions profile to meet grid demand
Article by Dharam Punwani, Turbine Inlet Cooling Association (TICA)
Turbine inlet cooling First step on the pathway to net zero emissions (May 2022).pdf

Point-Source Carbon Capture Can Filter At Least 95% of Emissions from Natural Gas and Industrial Operations, Help Meet Biden Administration Climate Goals
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $45 million in funding for 12 projects to advance point-source carbon capture and storage technologies that can capture at least 95% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated from natural gas power and industrial facilities that produce commodities like cement and steel. These research and development, front-end engineering design and engineering-scale projects are a part of DOE’s efforts to deploy a portfolio of innovative solutions to help achieve the Biden-Harris Administration’s goals of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and a 100% clean electricity sector by 2035.
“In order to dramatically reduce carbon pollution in our fight against climate change, we must deploy all of the tools at our disposal, including the innovative technologies that capture CO2 emissions before they reach the atmosphere,” said Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “What’s truly exciting about these projects is that not only do they put us on a path to decarbonize existing infrastructure, but they also pave the way for good-paying, union jobs—in the communities that have been impacted the most from our dependence on fossil fuels.”

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Thursday said natural gas must be included in a clean energy program his fellow Democrats are pushing.
“It has to be,” the key swing vote senator told reporters. “I am all for all of the above. I am all for clean energy, but I am also for producing the amount of energy that we need to make sure that we have reliability.”

Natural Gas and the Path to Low Carbon Emissions
According to a new paper produced by GE Gas Power, pairing renewables with gas can promote sustainability and provide electricity-on-demand when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine. And it can lower CO2 emissions even further when gas power plants are converted to burn hydrogen, the most plentiful element on the planet.

This article raises the concept of a “Clean Energy Solution” to the forefront. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and pushing toward a Carbon Neutral society is a present reality. Gas-turbine combined-cycle systems integrate cost effectively with wind, solar, and existing battery storage applications. These hybrid systems can fill the cyclic, load-following, or peaking-power requirements that intermittent generators are not designed to fill alone. Investments in gas turbine technologies with improved performance, output, with fuels and operating flexibility provides real returns that can be sustained in the existing market. Collaboration and integration with renewable technologies is available today, setting a path for clean energy and a carbon neutral outcome. Gas Turbines are part of the “Clean Energy Solution”.

Interesting article from the New York Times, How will Gas Turbines play a role in this? Senator Schumer says “Scientists tell us that to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change, the world needs to be carbon neutral, to have net-zero carbon dioxide emissions – by midcentury” – What are your thoughts on the idea that the Gas Turbine industry has a similar goal? Can we learn anything from watching how the below plan progresses?
Upcoming and Recent Industry Events

Road Mapping the Future of Propulsion & Power
The need for zero-emissions is molding the future energy panorama. This year's ASME Turbo Expo Conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands June 13-17, 2022 aims to accelerate the transition of the energy and propulsion sector to meet a carbon-neutral future by 2050.
Top experts and decision-makers will gather in-person to exchange ideas and experiences to develop and discuss implementation of safe, reliable carbon neutral solutions while shaping the future of the turbomachinery industry. Turbo Expo will serve as a synergetic platform for government, academic, research, and industry professionals to discuss multidisciplinary approaches for decarbonization.

The Gas Turbine Association (GTA) is an official partner of PowerGen International 2022! The theme of this year's event is "Destination 2050" and Teresa Hansen, VP of Content for Clarion is quoted as saying "“It’s clear that the future electricity generation mix is changing, but exactly how it will look is still unclear. Electricity industry executives are faced with the monumental task of balancing today’s energy needs while moving to tomorrow’s goal of net zero carbon emissions. Electric utilities and power generators must keep current assets running while integrating to the future generation mix of renewables, energy storage and more. This year’s Destination 2050 Conference Program will feature leaders from electric utilities and power generation companies who will present their strategies on turning aspirations into reality.” GTA could not agree more and we are looking forward to all POWERGEN22 has to offer. GTA representatives will be in attendance in Dallas in May 2022 if you want to learn more about who we are and what we do, just email Lynne at to set up a time to meet with us!

Hosted by ASME’s Gas Turbine Segment and IGTI Division, this 2-day symposium, March 3 – 4, 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina USA will bring together engineers, designers, researchers, repair professionals and business leaders at companies that design, manufacture, repair and own gas turbines.

November 19-21, 2019 New Orleans, LA

September 4-7, 2018 Hamburg, Germany

October 2018 Brussels, Belgium
GTA Briefings
Focused on need for increased funding for gas turbine related research, and specifically HR 2659, legislation introduced by Congressmen Tonko (NY) and McKingley (WV). Staff representatives from 36 Senate and House offices attended. This is the 4th year GTA has sponsored and organized this event.
Briefing to Congressional and Administration Leaders on fundamentals of gas turbine technology, and opportunities for job creation and economic growth provided by U.S. gas turbine manufacturing.